Trainee teacher reading to a primary school child.
Exeter sustains high position in Education
The University of Exeter has been ranked in the top three universities for the quality of its teacher training.
The Graduate School of Education has sustained a top position in The Good Teacher Training Guide 2009, a national league table for teacher training.
The report, which places Exeter in third position, illustrates a stable pattern of performance from Cambridge, Oxford and Exeter and other research intensive universities. Out of the top ten universities in this table, Exeter is by far the largest provider of teacher education and is one of only five to offer both primary and secondary training. The rankings are based on the quality of teaching (as measured by Ofsted), the quality of intake (entrants with 2:1 degrees or above) and employment success
The report reinforces the conclusions of previous years that Oxford, Cambridge and Exeter are leading the field in teacher education rather than the newer universities who are less involved in research.
Professor Debra Myhill, Head of the Graduate School of Education said, ‘We have established expertise in teacher education backed by excellence in educational research that is internationally recognised. Here, at Exeter many of the Graduate School of Education staff are regularly involved in policy advice or guidance, and in leading curriculum development. Our students are exposed to cutting edge research in their fields which is why schools want to employ them. As a result, employment gained on graduation is above the national average.
She added, ‘We provide more than a short term training course, we provide an education which equips our students to become the leading teachers of the future.
Date: 19 August 2009