Professor Steve Smith, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive University of Exeter, and Professor Si-Chen Lee, President, National Taiwan University with colleagues from both universities.
Exeter signs MOU with Taiwan’s top university
Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of the University of Exeter and President of Universities UK Professor Steve Smith and President of National Taiwan University (NTU) Professor Si-Chen Lee have signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Taipei.
The ceremony on 10 November, which was attended by representatives from both institutions, cements the growing relationship between the two Universities.
Professor Steve Smith said “I am delighted to sign this agreement and look forward to developing a deep and lasting collaboration with NTU. The University of Exeter is becoming increasingly international in its outlook, with students from 120 different countries, and we are developing very strong links with universities in South East Asia.”
During the visit, Professor Lee spoke of is enthusiasm for academic and professional collaboration and student exchange. Professor Smith expressed his congratulations to Professor Lee on NTU achieving Top 100 status in The Times Higher QS World University rankings
The relationship between the two Universities will be further enhanced by Exeter’s offer of eight scholarships worth £250,000. The full fee and accommodation scholarships are in the School of Biosciences, the Graduate School of Education and the Business School
Professor Smith delivered a lecture entitled ‘The role of universities in a time of economic uncertainty’. Professor Smith explained that international research collaboration is the key to success for universities. Professor Smith said universities contributed significantly to a country’s economic competitiveness and were crucial not optional to a country being able to develop a knowledge-based economy.
The meeting took part during a visit to South East Asia by Professor Steve Smith and senior colleagues, which is covering Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Malaysia.
Date: 16 November 2009