The University of Exeter is one of the world's top 200 universities.

University of Exeter among world's top 200

The University of Exeter is one of the top 200 universities in the world, according to the largest and most extensive international league table, the QS World University Rankings.

Published on 11 September 2012, the league table ranks the University of Exeter 182nd out of 2,500 universities – up from 207th place last year.

The University is now in the top 200 of the two main international league tables: the QS World University Rankings and the Times Higher Education THE World University Rankings.

2012 is the ninth year that QS has published its World University Rankings. They are based on six indicators and were this year compiled following surveys of over 46,000 academics and 28,000 employers. The QS World Rankings score universities on several factors, including the number of citations academics receive in journal papers.

The QS World Rankings also assess universities on their international recruitment. Overall, the results reveal an unprecedented surge in international recruitment worldwide. The University of Exeter now has students from over 130 different countries and staff of 50 different nationalities.

The QS World University Rankings can be viewed at

Date: 11 September 2012