Oak trees are one of the varieties that will be planted

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee commemorated with creation of Jubilee Wood

In 2012, celebrations of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee erupted across the UK and Exeter was privileged to receive a visit from Her Majesty The Queen and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh.

The final element in commemoration of this milestone will take place on Wednesday.

Staff and student volunteers at the University of Exeter will be helping to plant a range of native trees this Wednesday 27 March to help create the Hoopern Valley Jubilee Wood in Exeter.

The Jubilee Woods Project is marking The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and has seen six million trees planted across the country, creating hundreds of publicly accessible woods which will provide homes for wildlife, lock up carbon and provide oxygen.

The Hoopern Valley Jubilee Wood will be made up of over 1000 native trees including oak, silver birch, hazel, cherry and rowan.  The University contributed to the cost of the trees as part of its commitment to a five year plan to improve the management and the environment in the area. The trees will provide a vital habitat for all sorts of wildlife and it’s hoped that otters will eventually return to the valley as a result of the improvements.

Iain Park Director of Grounds said: “I am excited about the new woodland and cannot wait to see it grow and develop. We are committed to working sustainably and by using native trees we are supporting our plans to encourage native species to flourish. This will continue to contribute long term to the biodiversity of Exeter and the South West.”

Woodland Trust Director of Woodland Creation John Tucker, added: "The Jubilee Woods Project has been incredibly successful in creating links with landowners like the University of Exeter who support our aim of increasing native woodland cover across the country.

"It's also great to get people out planting trees, hopefully providing them with an experience they will take away forever."

Iain Park together with a group of volunteers will be planting 150 of the trees on Wednesday 27 March between 1.30pm and 3.00pm.

Date: 27 March 2013