Camborne School of Mines is celebrating its 125th anniversary. #CSM125
Camborne School of Mines celebrates 125 year anniversary
A centre of mining excellence which has pioneered the very best in industry-led teaching, research and technological advances is celebrating a truly special landmark.
This year marks the 125th anniversary of the Camborne School of Mines (CSM), one of the world’s foremost mining and minerals engineering institutions.
To celebrate, CSM is organising a series of events help share the passion, enthusiasm and excellence that has become the hallmark over the years. These include a distinctive Live Wall, an interactive forum designed to showcase the highlights, milestones and achievements since its inception in 1888.
The Live Wall features memories and anecdotes from alumni based across the globe, interesting facts and figures about the industry and its relevance and importance to today’s society, and fascinating insights into the history of CSM. It will bring together contributions from the CSM community, past and present, over the coming weeks, with regular updates and additions.
Professor Frances Wall, Head of CSM, said: “We are all very excited about celebrating this landmark occasion with the most important part of our history: our staff, students, alumni, collaborators and supporters.
“CSM has grown from fairly humble beginnings to now be regarded, quite rightly, as one of the best mulitdisciplinary mining schools anywhere in the world.
“Our achievements over the past 125 years are a source of pride, inspiration and motivation for everyone who is part of the CSM community, past and present.
“We are sure that the celebrations will highlight just what we have achieved together so far, and also our plans for the future.”
Camborne School of Mines has developed an enviable reputation of producing pioneering research, focusing on the key challenges of resource sustainability, environmental production and mine health and safety.
In addition to the 125th anniversary celebrations CSM staff are organising the 35th International Conference of Safety in Mines Research Institutes. The event will be held in London between 15-17 October and will highlight the latest developments in safety technology and disaster management around the globe. CSM researchers will speak about the use of laser scanning and 3D modelling in mining accident investigation, analysis of major hazards like mine roof fall and quarry rock fall as well as long range rescue communication techniques.
CSM is recognised as having had a global impact on the mining and minerals industry, by training graduates who are now leading the sector in new and exciting ways.
It has also built close relationships with local, national and international business, and these collaborations have helped to promote advances in sustainable mining, geological exploration and renewable energy.
2013 is also the 20th anniversary of CSM’s association with the University of Exeter. It is now located in purpose-built facilities on the Penryn Campus.
Anyone associated with CSM who would like to share any videos or their work, or messages for the celebrations can upload them to YouTube using the hashtag #CSM125.
Social Media users can show their support for the 125th anniversary celebrations for the Camborne School of Mines by downloading our unique “Twibbon”.
Date: 14 October 2013