Come along to our drop-in sessions on 18th and 19th November
It's Team Brief week
Team Brief is about keeping colleagues up-to-date with the University’s current and future position. November’s written team brief was sent to all colleagues on Friday, with a summary of our financial position, an update on student recruitment following the start of this academic year, and information on how the University will manage business continuity for the Transformation programme over the next year.
Drop-in sessions lasting half an hour let you hear the brief from members of VCEG and ask questions on it or any topic.
Drop-in sessions are taking place at Streatham and St Luke’s on Wednesday 18 November, from 13:30-14:00 in the following locations:
- Queen’s LT1, Streatham Campus: with Jane Chafer and Linda Peka
- G18 Medical School, St Luke’s Campus: with Tim Quine and Ariel Edge
Drop in sessions for Penryn and Truro are taking place on Thursday 19 November, from 14:30-15:00 in the following location:
- Peter Lanyon Lecture Theatre 3, Penryn Campus (video to Truro ECEHH, F083): with Mark Goodwin and Ruth Grimmer
Team Brief takes place every month during term time. Team Brief works as a management cascade tool, with managers at every level discussing the core messages contained in the Brief with their teams, as well as updating them about local information specific to their college/service. This cascade approach enables everybody to have an opportunity to ask questions and collate feedback. In addition to the team meetings, a copy of the written Team Brief is circulated to all colleagues via email and informal ‘drop-in’ sessions, led by members of the Vice-Chancellor’s Executive Group (VCEG) and a Dean, are open for all colleagues to attend to hear this month's key issues, ask questions and share their opinions.
Any feedback received from colleagues via their managers and/or at any of the above Team Brief stages will be collated and discussed with the senior leadership team. Responses to key themes raised will be shared and included in the next written Team Brief.
More details can be found on the Team Brief webpages and full guidelines explaining the process have been developed.
Please email the Internal Communications team with any queries.
Date: 16 November 2015