For more information about the WISE CDT, please visit http://www.wisecdt.org/
Water engineering students present research to industry specialists
Water engineering students from the University of Exeter are participating in a special event designed to highlight some of their world-changing research projects.
More than 30 PhD students from the EPSRC Water Informatics Science and Engineering Centre for Doctoral Training (WISE CDT) will present their work to industry specialists at the event, which is held in Bristol on Wednesday, March 2.
The networking event will see the students give presentations and display posters of their work, in a bid to stimulate new partnerships and identify new industry collaborators for research projects.
These students are part of the GW4 alliance – a unique collaboration between the Universities of Exeter, Bath, Bristol and Cardiff – at the event.
Professor Dragan Savic, from the Engineering department at the University of Exeter said: “The WISE CDT carries out pioneering research into some of the main areas of water engineering, environmental science and informatics technology.
“Events such as these offer the students a unique opportunity not only to publicise the critical work they are carrying out as part of their studies, but also meet and network with industry specialists in a personal environment.”
The WISE CDT, jointly funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, by the Universities of Exeter, Bristol, Bath and Cardiff and industry, trains a cohort of up to 20 PhD students per year.
The students will research issues at the intersection of 'big data' with 'smart technologies', to deliver more sustainable and resilient water solutions within the global cycle – a complex web of interacting physical, biogeochemical, ecological and human systems.
The centre acts as a hub of international and industrial collaborations, training scientists and engineers with relevant skills, knowledge and professional attributes across industry and academia.
For more information about the WISE CDT, please visit http://www.wisecdt.org/
Date: 1 March 2016