Streatham Campus
University of Exeter hosts Mature Student Conference
The University of Exeter recently hosted a Mature Student Conference on the Streatham Campus attended by over 70 students, many of whom were from Exeter College studying an Access to Higher Education diploma.
Students attended several workshops aimed at providing information, advice and guidance on possible next steps, including applying to university, study skills and student finance.
The conference also hosted a question and answer session whose panel was composed of current mature students from a cross-section of higher education providers across the South West. This invaluable session enabled students to ask questions in order to gain an insight into university life from the perspective of a current mature student.
Many Higher Education providers based in the South West were represented at an Information Fair held in the Forum Street during the lunch break providing an informal opportunity to find out more about course options.
Dr Karl Devincenzi, Outreach Manager at the University commented: “It was great to welcome such a diverse group on to campus for an informative day providing those attending the opportunity to develop a greater understanding about the options available for further study. Higher education is an option open to everyone regardless of age and I hope that those who attended found the day useful and encouraging.”
Olivia Coates, Exeter College, commented:
“Our Access students really enjoyed the event and left feeling more confident about applying to universities, what to expect when they get there and with a clear direction as to what they are required to do in order to develop their study skills in becoming a more independent learner.”
Date: 18 October 2017