Fieldwork in Brunei
Over 20 Speakers To Appear At Explore South-West
A Mercury nominated-singer, the head of BBC Natural History Unit, and a storytelling workshop, are three of the highlights of an event about exploration in February at the Phoenix Arts Centre and the University of Exeter.
The Royal Geographical Society, Agile Rabbit, and the University of Exeter have joined forces on Explore South-West. It launches on Friday 8 February with a lively panel discussion on the subject of ‘What is there left to explore in the 21st century?’. It is followed by a performance by Sam Lee, one of the panel members and a Mercury Music Prize nominated folk singer, who travels around communities unearthing long-forgotten songs. Julian Hector, head of the BBC Natural History Unit will also be on the panel, which is chaired by Ritula Shah from The World Tonight on BBC Radio 4.
The following day Explore South-West continues with one day seminar at the University of Exeter. The event consists of short TED-style talks, and workshops for adventurous people attracted to the work of the Royal Geographical Society. World-leading geographers and scientists will be joined by explorers and figures from culture in a busy programme of talks, workshops, and socialising. Explore South West is an opportunity to hear tales from scientists who are delivering field-research that makes a difference to the world we live in. The Saturday event is open to GCSE and A-level students to visit the University of Exeter and to listen to different career options. A £15 ticket for students, covers the all-day event, lunch and refreshments.
Dr Kate Baker from the University of Exeter said "This is a great example of the University magnifying the impact of its work by joining together with the Royal Geographical Society and Agile Rabbit. With practical sessions on planning fieldwork, communicating findings, and engagement, the event is vital for people of all backgrounds considering leading their own expeditions or field research."
RGS-IBG Explore South West will be taking place 8-9 February at Exeter Phoenix and the University of Exeter. Tickets from £5 at agile-rabbit.com
Date: 25 January 2019