More than 100 teachers and career advisers from South West schools attended two recent HE Advisers’ Days.
University hosts South West Higher Education Advisers’ Days
More than 100 teachers and career advisers from schools across the South West attended two recent HE Advisers’ Days, held at the University's Exeter and Penryn campuses.
The sessions, organised by the University's Student Recruitment team, included sharing expertise about career advice and guidance across the sector, student funding, teaching resources, UCAS application cycle and the admissions process.
Dr Karl Devincenzi, Recruitment and Schools Relationship Manager, said attendees had the opportunity to quiz representatives from the university along with institutions from across the South West including Bath Spa University, Marjon University and Exeter College and find out more about their portfolio of courses.
Dr Devincenzi said: "The days provide the opportunity for HE advisers, who play a vital role in supporting students making progression decisions, to attend a full programme of presentations and workshops focusing on the current higher education environment and the factors affecting progression.”
Date: 11 March 2019