Education alumni are planning a reunion this summer.
St Luke's Education summer reunion
Education alumni who graduated in 1988 are planning a 25 year reunion in Exeter this summer and the invitation’s extended to all those who graduated from the course in the 80s.
Highlights of the reunion on July 13 will include a tour of the St Luke’s campus and a summer BBQ at the Double Locks pub.
Alumnae Kate Gorring, Fiona Mitchell and Carol Blechman, (all Education graduates 1988), are organising the event to mark their graduation. They’re keen to see as many fellow Education Lukies 1980s graduates and their families as possible. Carol Blechman said “We had a fantastic time on our course at St Luke’s. It certainly doesn’t seem 25 years ago that we left. This reunion will be a fantastic opportunity to catch up, reminisce and re-live good memories.”
For more information about the event and to register your attendance please contact Carol Blechman (Education & Maths, 1988) on cabwalters@aol.com.
Alternatively you can contact the Alumni Office via Alumni Officer Rachael Magee on 01392 726349 or email r.magee@exeter.ac.uk.
The St Luke’s Education Reunion is taking place on Saturday 13 July 2013 at St Luke’s Campus and Double Locks pub.
Date: 5 March 2013