
Exetra Christmas Quiz 2016
Record numbers enjoy Exetra Christmas Quiz
Always a popular event, this year’s Exetra Christmas Quiz attracted its largest ever attendance to network and show-off their knowledge.
Having grown each year since the tradition was started six years ago, the 2016 Christmas Quiz, held at Balls Brother Minster Exchange in London on 30 November, was attended by nearly 90 people.
The questions this year were all written by members of the committee and featured rounds on general knowledge, guess the intros and a ‘higher or lower’ section.
First prize went to team Caligulads, plus there was also a prize for the best festive hat and best team name. The event was great fun and a chance for recent alumni to reconnect while getting into the Christmas spirit. Given the feedback it may be an even bigger Christmas Quiz next year!
Created in 2009, Exetra is the alumni group for recent graduates (up to 10 years). The group has held more than 25 events so far, attended by over 700 individual alumni. Throughout the year the committee organise social, networking, and professional development events. To keep up with the latest news, join the Facebook group:
If you’re interested in getting involved in Exetra, or finding out more about the group, please contact Helen Crowther at
Date: 1 December 2016