
Wenjie Li, President of the ECAA
The Exeter China Alumni Association (ECAA)
The University of Exeter has a range of networks and groups designed to support Exeter alumni in a variety of different ways. Sometimes working behind the scenes providing the ‘alumni voice’ to University boards, sometimes organising professional networking and careers support activity, and sometimes arranging informal, social events to help the alumni community connect with one another.
Over the next few months we’ll showcase some of the groups, sharing what they do for the community and, where relevant, how you can get involved.
Number 2 – The ECAA
The ECAA (Exeter China Alumni Association) was set-up with the purpose of building a strong network of alumni from the University of Exeter in China, and to keep all alumni connected to their alma mater through various channels.
Wenjie Li (MSc Accounting and Finance, 2012) is the President of the Association. He says: “The Association gives alumni opportunities for continued professional development and networking, and at the same time acts as a communication platform, and an online library resource.
“The ECAA volunteer committee give their time and expertise to support alumni throughout their whole Exeter journey – from prospective students through to welcoming new graduates into the alumni community in China and encouraging all alumni to get involved in events to support their university.”
ECAA organises annual employability activities, professional networking events and social gatherings. Plus the committee also supports alumni entrepreneurship and investment in China and UK.
Wenjie says: “I have had so many beautiful memories of my time in founding and expanding ECAA around China. One of my favourite events was last year when we celebrated the fifth anniversary of the Association. You can read more here, plus event reviews in Shanghai and Beijing.
“I am proud that we have held more than 100 events in different forms, including networking events, interest group workshops, job shadowing, profession-based sharing sessions and Distinguished People Seminar.
“We have developed close ties with local universities. We have been invited to give sharing and mentoring sessions about education and life at Exeter. And each year, I receive a few thank you letters or messages from those students, when they get offers from University of Exeter. Many of them have graduated and come back to join us to help more students. It’s more like a cycle of love and help.”
The ECAA is currently focusing on growing the forum for Exeter alumni to meet and network in mainland China, supporting visitors who come from Exeter, or on behalf of the University to meet with their alumni, and increasing the link between the University of Exeter and graduates from, or living in Mainland China.
The Association also provides information and opportunities around living, relocation, job openings, professional development and personal growth, as well as guidance for newly graduated alumni to find work.
To get involved with the ECAA, you can register here, follow on WeChat by searching ‘ExeterAlumni’, follow on Weibo, join the WeChat Group by searching ‘alanlee6688’, or join the LinkedIn Group.
Or visit the ECAA homepage where you can find all the links, QR codes and more information about key contacts.
Date: 9 October 2018