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Members of the University of Exeter International Heritage Management and Consultancy MA Industry Advisory Group.

Heritage Management MA course boosted by Industry Advisory Group

Leading heritage sector experts met in December for the inaugural meeting of the University of Exeter International Heritage Management and Consultancy MA Industry Advisory Group. The unique new course, launching in September 2018, engages sector specialists at the highest level to ensure the content is in line with the latest innovations and opportunities.

The Industry Advisory Group (IAG) combines representatives from leading UK and international organisations. In addition to academic expertise, the group will ensure the course offers an industry-led perspective. This will improve the employability of students, and allow the University to offer critical skills training in heritage. Crucially, IAG members offer a global outlook and expertise in cultural, built and natural heritage.

The heritage sector forms an important and diverse part of the University of Exeter’s research and teaching portfolio, which recently expanded with a £1.2 million investment in Digital Humanities. The IAG will enhance this by providing distinct insight on employment, course content, and offering opportunities to students in the sector.

In addition to continued industry engagement, the Heritage Management MA includes an international field course in Canada, and innovative modules on heritage and environmental change, and the role of heritage in addressing global challenges.

Bryony Onciul, Senior Lecturer in Public History, said: "The Industry Advisory Group represents a diverse range of fields our graduates could work in, from public bodies to NGOs and multinationals. The group’s guidance will help to provide our students with the most up-to-date sector knowledge, giving them a competitive advantage in furthering and diversifying their careers upon graduation."

Industry Advisory Group members include:

Date: 10 January 2018