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"Literatures from the other Iraq" - Kurdish translation workshop held in Exeter

A workshop “Literatures from the other Iraq – Translating Kurdish Literature in the UK” was held on 17-18 May 2018 at the Exeter Community Centre. Joined by a colleague from St Andrews University, Exeter staff and students in Kurdish and Arabic Literatures, Translation Studies, and Creative Writing worked in collaboration to produce original translations of poetry written in Arabic, Bahdini, and Sorani.

They translated poetesses and poets such as Hemin, Hero Kurda, Goran, Tarifa Doski, Abdulkareem Gaylani, Wefayi, and Fayiq Bekes. Most of them had never been translated into English before. Translated texts will be published and read at different venues in the UK.

Group photo

‌The workshop was supported by an outreach grant of the British Institute for the Studies of Iraq awarded to Clémence Scalbert-Yücel, and by the Centre for Kurdish Studies at Exeter.

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