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Professor Matthew Wright, Head of Classics and Ancient History

Classics and Ancient History academics share their research at the Leventis Lectures 2015

A crowd of 100, including many Exeter alumni, gathered on Wednesday to hear University of Exeter academics share their research regarding the impact of Greek culture on later societies. The Hellenic Centre, London, a vibrant charity which promotes educational and social awareness of Hellenic Culture in the UK, provided a unique venue for the event.

Professor Matthew Wright, Associate Professor and Head of the Classics and Ancient History department, delivered a lecture exploring the lost fragments of Greek tragedy, from works by Agathon, Neophron, and Achaeus, many of which have remained largely unexplored. He argued that our knowledge of Greek tragedy is based upon a very small selection of material, and suggested that our ideas about tragedy may have been entirely different if these works had survived. Later in the evening, Dr. Erica Rowan, Leventis Associate Research Fellow at the University of Exeter, presented her research exploring Greek food found in remains excavated at Archaeological digs across Europe. Rowan highlighted the wealth of evidence demonstrating the ways in which these foods were cultivated by the Greeks and subsequently adopted by Roman society.

Dr. Richard Flower, Senior Lecturer in Classics and Ancient History said “it was wonderful to see so many alumni and members of the public at this event. The two excellent talks and the lively discussion afterwards demonstrate the vitality of research carried out within the Department of Classics and Ancient History.”

The research showcased at the event was supported by the A.G. Leventis Foundation, a philanthropic organisation with a focus on Greek and Hellenic society, education and culture. The event was a celebration of the support which the Foundation has generously extended to the department since 1998. The University was delighted that the trustees of the Leventis foundation – Mr. A.P. Leventis (Chair), Mrs E. Leventis OBE, Mr. Anastasios Leventis (Classics 1994), Ms. Louisa Leventis, and Ms. Georgina Dimopoulou (International Programs Manager at the Foundation) - were able to join us in the celebration. Projects at the University which have benefitted from the Foundation’s support include studentships, lectureships and a ‘Leventis Room’ within the Classics and Ancient History department at the Streatham campus.

Professor Andrew Thorpe, Dean of the College of Humanities said "this has been a really exciting evening. Classics and Ancient History at Exeter is a world-leading department, and the A.G. Leventis Foundation has played a huge part in enhancing its intellectual range and vitality. It's been great to be able to bring together some of the department's top researchers with members of the Leventis family, and Exeter alumni, to hear two really high-quality talks at this event."

To find out about similar upcoming events, please visit the alumni supporters’ events calendar.

Date: 3 March 2015

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