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Humanities student Cherrie Kwok

Exeter Humanities student receives High Commendation from the international Undergraduate Awards

Selected to receive a High Commendation from 4,792 submitted essays, student Cherrie Kwok has been invited to attend The Undergraduate Awards Global Summit in Dublin, Ireland later this month. 

The Undergraduate Awards seek to celebrate winning and highly commended applicants for their outstanding achievements across academic disciplines, recognising talent and innovation amongst the undergraduate cohort. Under the patronage of Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland, The Undergraduate Awards offer the chance for students to celebrate with their peers from other internationally renowned Universities and learn from each other’s research. 

Cherrie said in anticipation of the UA Summit: “I am looking forward to the award ceremony in Dublin — though I am, of course, a little nervous. The three-day conference and ceremony, with the opportunity to present my own research and interact with leading academics, promises to be a brilliant and exciting experience.”

Her essay “The Knowledge of Good and Evil: The Relationship Between Genesis and J.D. Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye” stems from her enjoyment of studying the interdisciplinary English and Theology module ‘Legends of the Fall’ convened by Professor Karen Edwards and Dr Siam Bhayro. Since completing the module, Cherrie has been inspired to reconfigure her Flexible Combined Honours degree to now incorporate English with Classical Studies and Theological Studies. 

Cherrie said: “I combined these disciplines in particular because western literature’s complex ties to classical mythology and biblical texts fascinate me. This broad but detailed undergraduate curriculum, combined with my work as editor-in-chief for University of Exeter's undergraduate interdisciplinary academic journal, The Undergraduate Exeter, has encouraged me to pursue a graduate degree in English literature next year.”

She added: “Without Siam and Karen's inspiring guidance, and financial support from the College of Humanities, the International Office, and Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Education, Dr Nick Kaye, my attendance in Dublin would not be possible.”

Along with fellow penultimate and final year students, Cherrie will attend the Undergraduate Awards ceremony in Dublin for the three day summit from the 19 to 21 November.

Professor Sarah Hamilton, Associate Dean for Education said of Cherrie’s success: “It’s a great achievement for Cherrie to be awarded Highly Commended in this international competition. It’s really pleasing to see the excellent performance of Exeter students being recognised on the global stage.”

For more information about The Undergraduate Awards, please visit their website.

Date: 12 November 2014

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