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Rachael and Ben are currently final year Humanities students.

Humanities students elected as President and Vice President of Education of the Students’ Guild

After a close-run electoral race during Campaigns Week, in which 14 Humanities students ran overall, Theology and Religion student Rachael Gillies and Classics and Ancient History student Ben Street have been elected the Students' Guild’s President and Vice President of Education respectively.

The election was closely fought throughout the week, with publicity stunts, chaired debates and on-campus campaigning involving all candidates. 58% of the candidates running campaigns this year came from the College of Humanities and Ben and Rachael are both active members of the Student Staff Liaison Committees (SSLCs) for their subjects.

Rachael, Theology and Religion academic representative and the incoming Guild President, comments, “Running to be Guild President was such a rewarding experience. It was so humbling to see so many of my friends get so involved in my campaign, we had such an incredible time planning together and then eventually canvassing the votes. Despite how tiring it was, I absolutely loved getting out and talking to the voters and hearing that my manifesto was being well received, as well as working alongside the other great candidates.”

Rachael’s winning manifesto included ideas such as a Guild App, stress relieving initiatives and a Guild loyalty card scheme. She cites her university experience as key to her election campaign adding, “My time at University up until now, both academically and through my Guild involvement, prepared me well for the week giving me great confidence and assurance in what I was proposing. I look forward to the excitement of what next year has to offer working with the Guild and alongside the University.”

Ben is currently Subject Chair for Classics and Ancient History. He states, "I have been lucky to be part of a Classics and Ancient History department that really does care about the student experience and has responded very positively to all the student feedback I have accumulated as Subject Chair. I'm delighted to be part of a University that empowers students to make change and that is why I'm very excited to be starting this job in July."

Ben's success in the Vice President of Education election continues the trend of strong representation by Humanities students in the position, with the last three predecessors (James Eales, Imogen Sanders and current Vice President Alex Louch) all having studied Humanities subjects.

Rachael and Ben will take up their positions as Sabbatical Officers alongside the Vice President of Activities, Matt Bate and the Vice President of Welfare and Diversity, Kate Hawkins, both from the College of Life and Environmental Sciences. The College of Humanities is proud to work closely with the University of Exeter Students’ Guild to provide the best opportunities and representation of students at every level. The College wishes Rachael, Ben and their new colleagues every success in their roles and looks forward to working with them in the near future.

Date: 11 February 2014

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