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Dr Abdullah Alazmi

GSE Alumnus wins the British Council Alumni Award - the social impact award.

Dr Abdullah Alazmi, GSE Alumnus supervised by Salah Troudi and Nigel Skinner, has won the British Council Alumni Award - the social impact award.

The Alumni Awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of alumni and showcase the impact and value of a UK higher education. Award winners and finalists are leaders in their fields who have used their experience of studying at a UK university to make a positive contribution to their communities, professions and countries.

Salah Troudi said: “Abdullah was an excellent PhD student and receiving this prestigious award is testimony to his academic achievement and the great work he is doing for learners across the Arab world and beyond. I enjoyed supervising his doctoral work and I am proud of him.”

Wendy Robinson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean said: “This is such fantastic news. It is a great credit to him and the legacy of the work he did with us in the School of Education that he has won this most prestigious award. He is clearly having significant impact on education in the region. Salah and Nigel as his supervisors must be super proud.”

Abdullah said: “The award is given to students who graduated from UK universities and have done exceptional work in different fields. I was awarded the “social impact” award for my dedication to providing free access to English learning content for millions of Arabs all around the world. As I have established several social media accounts with over half a million followers, reaching 24 million views monthly”

You can follow Abdullah's social media accounts here:

Date: 3 March 2021