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Exeter lecturer Dr Khurram Wadee, who received the award on behalf of Sally, with Carly Willis, South West Chairman of Women in Property.

Exeter student through to Women in Property national Awards final

The University of Exeter’s Sally Kerr, a second year Civil and Environment Engineering student, has made it to the national finals of the Women in Property Awards.

Having won the regional event, she will compete with 13 other finalists, representing their universities and regions on the 18th September.

Women in Property (WiP) is an organisation which aims to combat stereotypes about property and construction, and encourage women to pursue careers in the industry.

The awards aim to recognise and nurture talented individuals in the industry, broaden opportunities for students during their university career and highlight the career options available to them.

"Winning this competition would be an incredible experience and would definitely make my CV stand out. Women in Property are also very kind in helping those who win regional sectors to get internships and placements, as well as providing a great opportunity to network with industry leaders", said Sally.

"Competitions like these give something for university students to work for and be proud of, but also promote a sense of togetherness and boosts confidence among women in a male dominated industry".

Speaking at a special event to celebrate the Women in Property South West Student Awards, branch Chairman Carly Willis from Claremont, said:

 “As an industry we need to nurture our talent pool and provide a platform to boost our rising stars into the property and construction sector. Women in Property runs a number of different initiatives to encourage young women to explore the rewarding and diverse range of careers available within our industry”.

Competitors interview with high profile regional judges from industry, higher education and WiP chairmen, presenting coursework completed over the previous year.

Charlotte Kurobasa, Associate from national sponsor Savills was amongst the judges for the regional competition, and spoke highly of the students. She said: "I was really overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the students and effort put into their preparation and presentations.

"The quality of the work and candidates we saw certainly provides great promise for the future of our industry! It was great to have been involved in this initiative and hope it continues to encourage more young women to pursue successful careers in the built environment”.

Date: 2 August 2018

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