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© Laura Herron

© Laura Herron

Image of Geothermal river in Sierra Nevada wins CGES photo competiton

Student Laura Herron has won the Centre for Geography and Environment and Society field course photo competition.

The competition was open to all students who attended the USA field trip, which is part of the Geography and Environmental Sciences programmes based at our Penryn Campus.

The winning photo shows a section of a geothermal river in Sierra Nevada, California.

Laura explained how the photo was taken. “We spent two days collecting pondweed samples at two sections of the river, this the warmer section at about 27°C. As we headed over a small bridge to put some equipment back in the van I decided to take quick photo to remember where I conducted my fieldwork – I was pleased with the result!”

“The California fieldtrip was an incredible opportunity to see and experience amazing features and locations Yosemite National Park and the Sierra Nevada Mountains have to offer. It really brought to light what I had learned in lectures. Before the trip I would never have thought about visiting places such as Mono Lake and the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest yet I found it fascinating to learn about these locations. It also provided a great opportunity to branch out into topics that I hadn’t considered before, for example plant biomass which became the focus of my project. Not only was the academic experience great, I also made new friends which is brilliant for supporting each other during our third year. I can definitely say this is best module so far in my degree!”

The judging panel included 2 lecturers, a filmmaker and a member of Communications and Marketing staff.  Nominees were selected for several specific categories plus an overall best image winner.

Find out more about Field Courses for our Geography programmes.

G eothermal river in Sierra Nevada, California© Laura Herron

Date: 11 November 2016

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