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Exeter Geography Research at the Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference 2016

Human Geography researchers from across the Geography department at the University of Exeter are presenting and sharing their research at the Annual International Conference of the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) in London this week.

With diverse research activities ranging from migration and asylum to domestic energy consumption, geographical higher education, domestic violence and food and fashion activism—there’s Exeter Geography research to engage with on every day of the conference.

Please find below a list of Exeter Geography Research that features at the conference, broken down by day. You will also find updates concerning Exeter Geography participation through our Twitter account.


11:30 Suzanne Hocknell: “Knowing Me, Knowing You:  Exploring eating well with margarine” as part of: Nexus Thinking: New Avenues in Food Geographies Research, organised by the Food Geographies Working Group


Session 1

Matt Finn: “The awkward geographies of schooling – working at the intersection of geographies of education, childhood and youth” in: The nexus between Young People's Geographies and Geographies of Education (1): Concepts

Session 2

Nick Gill (author) & Jen Bagelman (discussant): Author meets critics: Nick Gill - Nothing Personal?: Geographies of Governing and Activism in the British Asylum System

Katie Ledingham: Convenor & Discussant in: Possibilities and Provocations of Nexus Thinking: Postgraduate Snapshots     

Louise MacAllister: “"I had to pat his belly and say 'getting a bit big, you'll have to watch that' which I wouldn't do with my daughter": Reproducing gender through the practices of parenting and body size” in: Feminist Geographies of Work and the Body (2)

Rebecca Sandover and Suzanne Hocknell: “'Consuming the Farm': West Town Farm as a Community Food Hub” in: Organising Food Access:  Community Food, Governance and Place (1)

Session 3

Stewart Barr and Sal Lampkin: “Co-creating Smarter Cities: a place-centred approach for developing sustainable mobility pathways” in: Mobility, Transport and Making Sustainable Places: a neglected Nexus (1)


Session 1

Sean Carter: “Technologies of play and the child/military/entertainment industry nexus: video technologies as a democratising tool” in: Apps, mobiles and technologies: innovative methodologies in research with children, young people and families

Suzanne Hocknell (convenor & chair): Eater-Eaten Material Formations In, Against, and Beyond Consumer Relationships

Session 2

Catherine Butler: Discussant in: Beyond the triad: exploring the drivers of domestic energy deprivation (2)

Gail Davies: “Parallax Institutions and the sitelines of health” in: Parallel Institutions: models and realities, strategies and tactics, islands and archipelagos

Matt Finn: "Growing up global – children, young people and the geographies of global change" in: Educating undergraduate geographers for/about/using the geographies of children and youth

Session 3

Ian Cook et al.: “'Who made my clothes?' A analysis of Fashion Revolution's cultural activism” in: Scholar activism and the Fashion Revolution: ‘who made my clothes?’ (3): engaging publics

Suzanne Hocknell: “Troubling the Mundane: Planned discussion groups and the fragmenting of coherent food narratives” in:Doing food research: method, transdisciplinarity and reflexivity (1)

Kuba Jablonowski: “Migrant workers, trade unions, and (post)industrial citizenship in the south-west of England” in: Investigating the migration/citizenship nexus: a ‘geographies of democracy’ approach (1)

Session 4

Catherine Butler: “The State, Practice, and Transitions in Energy Demand” in Energy Geographies

Patrycja Pinkowska: “Are there limits to enacting citizenship? Research with deportable migrants in the UK immigration detention” in: Investigating the migration/citizenship nexus: a ‘geographies of democracy’ approach (2)


Session 1

Anna Jackman (convenor & chair) Drones and Geography: Moving Beyond Military Applications (1): Critical and conceptual reflections

Session 2

Karen Anderson: “Proximal sensing from lightweight drone platforms to aid catchment-management decision making” in: Drones and Geography: Moving Beyond Military Applications (2): Drones in the field

Sarah Dyer (Convenor & Chair) and Nicola Thomas (Discussant): Shut up and Write HERG: Project Launch


Jo Little: Discussant for: Tim Jackson “Towards a sustainable prosperity – flourishing within environmental limits”

Session 3

Simon Dickson: “(Re)location and memory: performing ongoing fidelities to the Event, a case study after the Canterbury earthquakes” in: Narrating Displacements: A Radical Way to Rethink Urban Theories and Politics

Jo Little: “Imagining a safer future: story telling and domestic violence policy in times of austerity” in: Encountering Austerity (3)

Lewis Winks: “From Self to Society: Outdoor Learning for Sustainability: Reflections on a residential trip with primary PGCE students” in: The Environment-Education-Empowerment Nexus (1): Closing Research-Practice Gaps through Education-Practitioner Partnerships

Date: 31 August 2016

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