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Ms Amy Ralston

Amy Ralston wins the Ashurst Outstanding Law Student Prize

We are delighted to announce that Ms Amy Ralston is the winner of the 2017 Ashurst Outstanding Law Student Prize. Amy will be presented formally with the award during lunch at Ashurst later this summer.

This prize was introduced this academic year and opened to all students who obtained a final degree result of 65% or more and who could also demonstrate excellent extracurricular non-academic achievements over their entire LLB degree. The introductory year saw 13 high quality applications, with 5 being shortlisted by the internal prize Committee and forwarded to Ashurst for the final decision. Ashurst assembled its own panel of Exeter graduates that considered each shortlisted submission in detail and convened on 17 July to make the final decision.

Mark Edwards, Partner at Ashurst said: “We are delighted to be partnering with the Exeter Law School on this new award and offer our congratulations to Amy on her stellar academic achievement and the commitment she has demonstrated to use her legal training to contribute to society more widely”.

Richard Edwards, the Head of Law School said: “I am delighted that Amy has won this prestigious prize: She has been a terrific student and this is a tremendous achievement, all the more so given the strength of the shortlist. Well done Amy! I would also like to place on the record my thanks to Ashhurst for their generosity, vision and support in establishing this new award, the blue-ribbon prize of Exeter Law School.”

Dr Radek Stech, Director of Prizes and Scholarships and chair of the internal Committee highlighted that the prize “constitutes our diamond offer to the excellent Exeter students and forms part of wider culture of prizes and scholarships in the School”. He congratulated Amy on her success whilst emphasising that all the shortlisted submissions represented a solid achievement given the nature and the weight of the prize. 

Date: 28 July 2017

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