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Guidelines for enforcement of consumer rights: strategies and recommendations

Associate Professor Joasia Luzak contributes to 'Guidelines for enforcement of consumer rights: strategies and recommendations'.

In May 2016 BEUC (The European Consumer Organisation) has published its 'Guidelines for enforcement of consumer rights: strategies and recommendations', developed in the frame of the Consumer Justice Enforcement Forum II (CoJEF II) project.

The COJEF II project, funded by the European Commission, aimed at strengthening communication and cooperation between consumer organisations, academics and legal practitioners, in order to share their experiences on cross-border enforcement of consumer rights.

The published Guidelines illustrate through a few case studies common consumer problems, present how currently consumers could enforce their rights in such situations in different Member States and suggest what could, and should, be improved in the future.

Associate Professor Joasia Luzak was one of the speakers during CoJEF II project's meetings and is mentioned in the Guidelines. The Guidelines also refer to the study conducted by dr Joasia Luzak together with prof. Marco Loos (University of Amsterdam) that was published in the Journal of Consumer Policy (vol. 39, 2016), 'Wanted: a Bigger Stick. On Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts with Online Service Providers.', recommending it as presenting 'a detailed analysis of the possible legal grounds to challenge the unfair terms and practices

Date: 21 June 2016

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