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Students receiving their JustCite certificates. 

Building and Certifying Online Legal Research Skills

First Year Law Students have been busy getting certified on online legal research resources, as part of their Legal Foundations module.

All students were asked to follow training and certification schemes offered by two of the main legal information providers, JustCite and Westlaw UK.  These schemes enable students to build their online research skills through online training guides and tutorial before sitting an online test to assess their competency.  All students that pass the test are provided with certified evidence of their achievement which can help boost employability prospects by documenting their commitment to online legal research and evidencing their competency level.  The skills are also invaluable during their legal studies, helping students to quickly and effectively retrieve and interpret legal information to support their workshop and assignment activities.

For the first time, two Exeter Students have made it into the JustCite Hall of Fame – this accolade is reserved for those students who achieve a 100% test score on their first attempt.  Well done – great result!

These skills are useful not only for law students whom enter the legal profession and continue to use these resources in their daily working life, but also for students who pursue careers outside the legal field where online research skills are needed.  In today’s information rich society, the ability to search and analyse information effectively is a key transferable skill.

If you haven’t yet had a chance to participate in these schemes – or a similar scheme offered by LexisLibrary -  then take a look at this short video or browse the Law Library webpages to learn more.

If you want to boost your skills and document your achievements for you CV then these schemes could be just what you are looking for.


Date: 25 February 2015

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