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Call for Papers - European Constitutional Democracy in Peril - People, Principles, Institutions

European constitutional democracy and the protection of human rights are under pressure. Currently facing serious and rapidly developing challenges across the continent, democracy in Europe requires urgent critical attention from legal and political scholars.

To foster such discussion, the call for papers is now open for an international conference on European Constitutional Democracy in Peril - People, Principles, Institutions’, to be held in Budapest on 23-24June 2016. Convened by Dr Catherine Dupré (Exeter Law School) in collaboration with Dr Kriszta Kovács (ELTE, Budapest) and Dr Gábor Tóth (University of Debrecen), the conference will tackle three key themes: definition and boundaries of the political community; involvement of the demos in constitutional reforms; and judicial protection of human rights.

The call for papers and further information are available here:

Date: 1 February 2016

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