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Celebrating our students' successes

The end of the 2019/20 academic year saw 30 academic prizes (the most of any school in the University) awarded to hard-working students throughout the law school. The prizes are awarded to students across years and degree courses on the basis of academic achievements and extracurricular activities.

Although social distancing rules meant that it was not possible to hold an award ceremony to recognise the students’ outstanding achievements, the prize winners were still delighted to be awarded their prizes in recognition of their hard work.

'This prize means a lot to me as European Law was a module that I found particularly difficult, however I studied extra hard and did a lot more independent work in order to fully grasp the information and be able to apply it. Therefore, it is lovely to know that my extra work definitely paid off.' (Carolene, Edward Elgar Prize for Best Performance in EU Law)

'The Law of Trusts module was an area of law I most definitely found interesting and engaging, but also highly challenging. As a result, I dedicated much more time to reading for this subject. Moreover, I took advantage of every opportunity: contributing significantly to seminars and submitting multiple essays in order to maximise my chances of achieving a higher overall grade. As a result, my essay on the certainty of subject matter is one of the best pieces of work I have produced.' (Oliver, Hart Publishing Prize for Best Performance in Trusts)

In addition to recognising academic achievements many of the prizes also recognise the impressive range of extracurricular activities that Exeter students engage in and their commitment to social justice.

What I find so incredible about the Tozers Prize is that is rewards not just academic achievement, but extracurricular achievement too. By supporting a prize which includes extracurricular activity as well as academic potential, you’re helping to feed good back into society. I have always sought to be more than my degree and I have always aspired for excellence in all areas of my life. (Taylor Watson, Tozers Tort Prize)

"I am a passionate advocate for social justice and human rights and ardently believe in the role of law – and indeed lawyers – in the realisation of a better society. Pro Bono work, of course, is a crucial part of this process; especially in the post-LAPSO justice system where access to legal representation continues its descent from right to privilege. I believe the reason I have received this prize is for my role with the fantastic charity “Support Through Court” (formerly the Personal Support Unit, or ‘PSU’). From July 2019 to March 2020, I spent many hours helping litigants-in-person to navigate the civil and family court system without a lawyer. Under the mentorship of the charity’s manager in Exeter, Matthew Bass, it was my privilege to accompany clients to hearings and provide the emotional, legal and procedural support which allows litigants-in-person to access justice." (James, Pro Bono Prize)

The prize winners were also keen to show their appreciation for the quality of teaching they received and how the prizes fit with their future career plans after graduating.

"I opted to study law largely because of its application to real world issues. To this end, it has been inspiring to learn from academics at the heart of legal reform. Having lectures and seminars with Professor Liz Trinder and Exeter University’s progressive Family Law team undoubtedly played a key role in the marks I achieved, indicating as they did that critical analysis of legal topics can inspire real change." (Adam, Stephen Cretney Family Law Prize)

"My future ambition is to become a fully qualified Employment solicitor, so you can only imagine how thrilled I am to receive this award!" (Rhiannon, Malcolm Mead Employment Law Prize)

A full list of prizes can be found here.