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Jennifer is a PhD student and SCuLE member. 

Congratulations to Jennifer Mike on funding award

Jennifer has recently been awarded the Santander Postgraduate Award. 

The Researcher Development Team has been granted a fund by Santander to support postgraduate research across the University of Exeter. The funds are intended to enable postgraduate researchers to undertake research-related opportunities, such as giving a paper at a conference, research travel or specific training courses to support research studies.

Jennifer commented "I am deeply honoured and very happy to have been selected for the Santander Postgraduate Research Award. I had much hesitation in getting through the application process but was encouraged by my research undertakings, timeline and projections. It is a great privilege to be a beneficiary of this award.

My sincere gratitude to Santander, Dr Rochelle Rowe and the Research development team, I will do my best to justify your trust and support.

I would also like to thank my brilliant and truly outstanding supervisor Professor Charlote Waelde whose directions has steered and honed my research. I equally acknowledge my wonderful and amazing doctoral colleagues.

One thing I have learnt from this award is - never give up even if you are convinced that it's over, It's not over unless you want it to be."​

Date: 17 February 2015

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