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Professor Zhixiong Huang (Wuhan) and Dr Kubo Mačák (Exeter) at the Chinese launch of the Toolkit.

Cyber Law Toolkit Expands: ICRC and Wuhan University Join the Project Consortium

In October 2019, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Wuhan University, China, joined the Cyber Law Toolkit project led by Dr Kubo Mačák. The Cyber Law Toolkit is a dynamic interactive web-based resource for legal professionals who work with matters at the intersection of international law and cyber operations. The pilot year of the project (2018/19) was supported through the UK ESRC IAA Project Co-Creation scheme.

On 2 November 2019, Dr Mačák took part in the Chinese launch of the Toolkit, held at the 2nd Symposium on China and the Rule of Law in Wuhan. He said: “I am delighted to see the project consortium grow after a very successful pilot year. The ICRC and Wuhan University are both bringing world-class expertise and unique perspectives to the project. I think it is now fair to say that the Cyber Law Toolkit has become global both in its ambition and scope.”

The project is currently supported by five partner institutions: the Czech National Cyber and Information Security Agency, the ICRC, the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, the University of Exeter, and Wuhan University. Professor Michael Schmitt is the Exeter representative on the Advisory Board of the project. Dr Mačák is currently on leave from Exeter, serving as a legal advisor at the ICRC.

Date: 11 November 2019