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Dr Annika Jones and Dr Aurel Sari

Dr Jones & Dr Sari deliver short course in International Criminal Law to armed forces personnel

The course formed part of the Strategy and Security Institute’s Tri-Service University Short Course Programme. 

The course, which ran for three days, was designed to provide a foundation in substantive and institutional aspects of international criminal law. It examined the evolution and current scope of four core international crimes – genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and aggression – as well as forms of participation in, and defences to, international crimes. It also covered key institutional developments in the field of international criminal law and looked at the role that different international(ised) and domestic criminal justice mechanisms play in the pursuit of justice following the commission of international crimes.

Initial feedback has been extremely positive and the short course is due to run again in June 2015.

For further information on the course, and the Tri-Service University Short Course Programme, see the Strategy and Security Institute's website. 

Date: 30 June 2014

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