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Exeter Graduate awarded Lord Denning Scholarship for BPTC

Congratulations to Exeter LLM graduate, Sophie Howard, who has recently been awarded a Lord Denning Scholarship for entry onto a BPTC starting in September.

The BPTC (Bar Professional Traning Course) forms the next part of training following the completion of the academic stage of legal training, and is sometimes referred to as the vocational stage of training.  The BPTC is a one-year course which ensures that students acquire the skills and knowledge they need to become a barrister.  Here Sophie explains the process she went through to obtain the scholarship and her excitement upon finding out the result:

"The first step in applying for a major BPTC award with Lincoln's Inn is to complete the application form giving details of academic results, achievements and relevant experience, including mini pupillages, mooting and court visits. The application also specifically asks about your intentions to practice at the Bar and your financial situation. Applications are submitted by 1st November and candidates are selected for interview in front of three benchers of the Inn in March. I was nervous before the interview but the two barristers and QC on the panel were extremely friendly and questions focused mainly on achievements and experience I had detailed in my application. I was also asked to expand on an area of law I found interesting and the panel wanted to hear my opinion and how I would argue my case. 

Although I thought the interview went well I was completely shocked when I received the news three weeks later. I have been awarded a Lord Denning scholarship which will cover the fees for the BPTC and go partly towards my living expenses. Without the scholarship I would not be able to go to law school this year and I'm very happy to have been given this opportunity. The welcome weekend at Lincoln's Inn is at the end of September and I will start the part-time BPTC at UWE in October. I can't wait!" 

Date: 4 August 2014

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