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Charlotte Werner

Exeter Law School student shortlisted for £5,000 national legal award

A student at the University of Exeter has been named as a finalist for Future Legal Mind, a legal award run annually by National Accident Helpline.

Charlotte Werner, who is in her final year at Exeter, is one of a handful of finalists for Future Legal Mind 2017, a national award for UK undergraduate law students, set up in 2014 to recognise young legal talent.

The 20-year-old student from Swansea is in line for a potential £5,000 prize and work placement at law firm Simpson Millar, after impressing industry judges with an essay on the UK’s civil justice system.

Candidates were asked to answer the question: “If eBay can resolve 60 million disputes each year, why does the UK civil justice system need lawyers?”

The winner's essay will be posted on, and all finalists will receive £250.

Charlotte, who also recently appeared on Sky One’s Got to Dance, said: “It is a real honour to be shortlisted for such a prestigious national award, not least because the topic is so relevant in the current climate.”

Charlotte's interest in law spans from a focus towards under-represented groups, through to the current inquiry into workplace dress codes. She says that being recognised by Future Legal Mind will provide her with a stepping stone into her legal career. She added: “Lots of peers have recognised Future Legal Mind as one of the key student essay competitions in the UK. Having the accolade of succeeding in FLM is an excellent CV addition for the future.”

Simon Trott, Managing Director of National Accident Helpline, and chair of judges for Future Legal Mind, said: "It's hugely important that we foster the next generation of lawyers by encouraging talented individuals, and that's what we aim to do with the Future Legal Mind award. The standard of entries this year has been exceptionally high, giving our legal judging panel lots to discuss. We've also received more entries than ever before, so shortlisted candidates should be extremely pleased with their achievement at getting this far."

To view the full shortlist and find out who the winner is on March 29th, visit:

Date: 6 March 2017

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