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The Law School looks to mark International Human Rights Day

Human Rights and Democracy Forum Poster Competition

10th December is International Human Rights Day. This anniversary celebrates the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. This Declaration was the first international recognition of the universality of human rights – inalienable rights that everyone is entitled to because they are human.

To join the celebrations this year, Exeter Law School’s Human Rights and Democracy Forum (HRDF) will host an in-person event on Friday 10th December 2022 between 11.30 am and 12.30 pm (GMT) in Amory C417. Members of the Forum will present the most exciting aspects of their work on human rights and reflect on the importance of human rights law in today’s complex world.

You too have the opportunity to take part in the event through a student poster competition with a first prize of £50 and two runners-up prizes of £25 each. In addition, the three competition winners will receive an award certificate and will have the opportunity to give a five-minute presentation about their work. The winning poster will be displayed on the HRDF website scrolling banner. This is your chance to be creative, express your appreciation of the importance of universal human rights and share your vision with the world.


The competition is open to all University of Exeter undergraduate and postgraduate Law Students.

Posters can be about any aspect of human rights, including universal human rights in general, a specific human right, a particular current issue, or a key person or institution involved in the development of human rights. Posters could connect human rights to personal experiences, backgrounds or identities, and could be historical (post-1948) or current in focus. The theme is as broad as your imagination. All your visual materials must have copyright clearance and the easiest way is to use materials available through creative commons.

Posters need to be one A4 page in size, portrait or landscape format, colour or monochrome, and contain max. 73 words of text. They must be shareable in electronic format, i.e. a pdf file. Please indicate your name on your poster, anonymous posters will be excluded from the competition.

  • Posters must be uploaded to the Padlet on by Monday 5 December at noon (GMT).
  • ‘Likes’ and comments must be uploaded between Monday 5 December 1 pm (GMT) and Thursday 8 December 1 pm (GMT).

You can ‘like’ as many posters as you wish, but only those ‘likes’ which are accompanied by a comment stating briefly your reasons for selecting a poster will be counted. Such comment can be in relation to the graphic and/or legal qualities of the poster, for example.

The three winning posters will be those receiving the greatest number of ‘likes’ (together with the comments that meet the requirements stated above).

If you have any queries about the competition, please email Raphael Girard on

Date: 3 November 2022