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Participants of the course.

Law School conducts course in Estonia on the law of cyber operations

In January, the Law School conducted an advanced course on the law of cyber operations in collaboration with the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCD COE) in Tallinn, Estonia.

The Law School has offered the course in conjunction with the NATO CCD COE and the United States Naval War College on a semi annual basis since 2013. It is designed for military and other government legal advisers who deal with cyber policy and provide legal guidance on responses to cyber attacks in situations such as the North Korean attack on Sony in December.

At January's course University of Exeter students attended for the first time, and Professor Michael Schmitt of the Law School and Strategy and Security Institute served as director.

The course is based on the Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare, a three year project led by Professor Schmitt that produced the first comprehensive guidance on how to apply legal concepts to cyber exchanges.


Date: 28 January 2015

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