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New Intellectual Property Prize as Exeter Law School joins IPAN

The University of Exeter Law School has recently become a member of the Intellectual Property Awareness Network (IPAN), an independent, not for profit, inclusive membership organisation committed to championing the importance and understanding of intellectual property (IP) of businesses, large and small. IPAN is unique in the UK in bringing together people who are users of IP in their work from IP rich industry sectors, educationalists teaching IP awareness, IP experts and anyone who has an interest or something to contribute or who would just like to know more about IP and make connections.

Through our membership with IPAN we look forward to strengthening Exeter’s engagement with valuable IP networks and communities for research and practice, so that our students gain even further benefit from our practice-oriented IP curriculum and our academics are able to engage meaningfully with IP practitioners, policy makers and researchers. Intellectual Property Law is a third-year LLB module offering at Exeter Law School and is also a popular module option on the LLM programme.

IPAN is now also the proud sponsor of the Law School’s new Intellectual Property Prize, awarded annually to the third year LLB student with the highest overall average in LAW3028 as a cash prize plus the opportunity for the winning student to meet the Board of the Intellectual Property Awareness Network (by video link or in-person) to put the IP understanding they have achieved at university into context, and find out more about how IP is developed and commercialised in the creative and digital economies.

For more information on prizes at the University of Exeter Law School, please visit

Date: 4 April 2023