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Postgraduate students

PhD studentships in international law

The South, West and Wales AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership (SWW AHRC DTP) offers up to 60 doctoral studentships for entry in September 2018, including in the field of law.

The Exeter Centre for International Law warmly invites students working in the field of international law to apply for these studentships and pursue their doctoral studies at Exeter.

Members of our Centre engage in scholarship at the forefront of the profession and are ready to supervise projects in a broad range of subjects. We particularly welcome exceptional proposals in the following areas:

  • the law of armed conflict;
  • international human rights law;
  • international criminal law;
  • general public international law;
  • the human rights of immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees;
  • digital technologies, big data and international human rights law;
  • the law of cyber security;
  • the legal aspects of hybrid warfare;
  • military uses of outer space;
  • the interntional law of military operations.

Applicants are invited to contact the Director or individual members of the Centre to explore the suitability of their project. Applicants should note that they must apply separately to be admitted to the University of Exeter and to be considered for the award of an SWW AHRC DTP studentship.

The SWW AHRC DTP studentships are open to full-time or part-time applicants from the UK and the EU. The studentships will entitle both UK and EU doctoral students to a tuition fee award of £4,195 per annum at 2017/18 rates (or part-time equivalent). UK students will also receive a maintenance award of £14,553 per annum at 2017/18 rates (or part-time equivalent), for a minimum period of 3 academic years (or part-time equivalent). Students from the EU are only eligible for a fees-only award from the AHRC. However, the SWW DTP consortium may provide EU students awarded a studentship for September 2018 entry with a maintenance stipend to the level of that offered by the AHRC to UK students.

The awards will be made on the basis of academic merit. The application process opens on 27 November 2017. The deadline for applications is 11 January 2018. Further details about the application process are available on the SWW AHRC DTP website.

Date: 13 November 2017

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