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Editorial meeting of EuCML journal in Hong Kong. Credit: EuCML

Professor Luzak presents at the Conference on Research in Private and Market Law - Challenges for the 21st Century

In the last week of February editors of the European Review of Private Law (ERPL) and of the Journal of European Consumer and Market Law (EuCML) gathered in Hong Kong to discuss the future of these two journals and their activities.

In the last week of February editors of the European Review of Private Law (ERPL) and of the Journal of European Consumer and Market Law (EuCML) gathered in Hong Kong to discuss the future and activities of the journals.

Professor Luzak, as one of the editors of the EuCML, was invited by her fellow editor Mateja Djurovic (currently of City University of Hong Kong). Also taking place was a conference by the City University of Hong Kong on 'Challenges for the 21st century in private and market law'.

The 21st century angle on the discussion focused on legal approaches to new technologies, e.g. liability for self-driving cars, regulation of online intermediary platforms, but also considering new enforcement measures, e.g. punitive damages in consumer sales law in China. Professor Luzak presented results of the research she has co-conducted for the European Commission on consumers' attitudes to online terms and conditions. This research showed that while consumers may be more positive about shorter and simpler terms and conditions, there is a cut off moment, as extremely short and simple terms and conditions did not seem to significantly influence consumers' attitudes, in comparison to the short and simple ones.

Rumour has it that the editors also engaged in gathering first-hand evidence on consumer and market issues in Macau gambling halls, Kowloon night markets and Cantonese restaurants...


Date: 7 March 2017

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