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26/06/16 Mike Schmitt RH

Professor Schmitt discusses Tallinn Manual 2.0 Project

Professor Mike Schmitt speaks on progress of Tallinn Manual 2.0 Project

Professor Schmitt, Professor of Public International Law at Exeter Law School, presented a public lecture at the T.M.C. Asser Institute  in the Hague on 3 February.

Schmitt spoke on the progress of Tallinn Manual 2.0 Project on peacetime international cyber law, which he directs, as well as various topics that are proving most complex as the Manual is drafted.  Twenty international scholars, assisted by an additional 50 experts from around the world, have been working for the past three years too prepare the Manual.  Topics that it will address range from space law and sovereignty  to human rights and international telecommunications law.  Tallinn Manual 2.0 builds on the work started in the original Tallinn Manual, which dealt with cyber uses of force and cyber war.

Professor Schmitt was in the Hague for the week to discuss the work of the Tallinn Manual with legal advisers representing over 50 nations.  Hosted by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the consultations were designed to allow States to provide comments and input to Tallinn Manual 2.0, which will be adopted by the experts in late March and published by Cambridge University Press.

Date: 26 February 2016

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