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Professor Schmitt honored for Research Excellence; Continues Cyber Capacity Building Effort

Law School Professor Michael Schmitt, who holds a dual-appointment at the United States Naval War College as the Charles H. Stockton Professor, was recently honored by the War College as its outstanding research scholar for academic year 2017-2018. The award recognizes the global acclaim the multi-year project on international cyber law he led – Tallinn Manual 2.0 on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Operations– has received, as well as the extent to which his other writings and speaking mark him as the premier expert in the field. Based on this research, Professor Schmitt was earlier awarded the Order of the Cross of the Terra Mariana by the President of Estonia. Moreover, the Kingdom of the Netherlands sponsored an event last month to mark the first anniversary of Tallinn Manual 2.0, at which both the Minister of Defence and Minister of Foreign Affairs spoke.

Tallinn Manual 2.0 now forms the basis for a robust cyber law capacity-building program for government officials around the world. Most recently, Schmitt traveled to Singapore to direct a seminar for officials from throughout the Association of Southeast Asia r(ASEAN) region. The seminar was sponsored by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Singapore Cyber Security Agency. His next stops in the program are Germany and Australia.

Date: 30 July 2018