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Cyber norms RH


Prof. Michael Schmitt Speaks on Law of Cyberspace

On 18 March, Professor Schmitt, Professor of Public International Law, spoke on the viability and direction of the law governing cyber space at the launch of a new book on cyber norms published by the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence. 

He joined her excellency Marina Kaljurand, Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs and past National Expert to the UN Group of Governmental Experts, who offered her perspective on political norms.  They agreed that States must lead the process of identifying and developing norms for cyberspace, that greater attention was needed to the topic and that international law was a key element in shaping those norms.  Schmitt was in Tallinn to direct the final meeting of the "International Group of Experts” that is preparing Tallinn Manual 2.0 on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Operations.  For the past three years, the project has examined the peacetime law of cyber operations.

Date: 7 April 2016

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