Schmitt at Harvard Law School
Schmitt on the "hot" topics in international law
Exeter Law School's Professor Mike Schmitt is on the road again tackling the hottest topics in international law.
On March 31, he spoke on the topic of war with North Korea at Harvard Law School's annual Journal of International Law symposium. In his presentation, he rejected the argument that there is currently any legal basis for using force against North Korea.
He then spoke the next week at the US Naval War College, where he hold the Charles H. Stockton Chair, this time offering a survey of the law governing the use of force in international relations, drawing on examples ranging from drone strikes to attacks on Syria in response to its use of chemical weapons. On 11 April Schmitt traveled to the US National Defense University in Washington DC to address senior American officers attending the College of Information and Cyberspace. Schmitt focused on the strategic use and misuse of international law uncertainty regarding cyber operations.
Finally, the following day he returned to Harvard Law School where he was invited by the Harvard National Security Journal to offer his thoughts on the law of cyber conflict.
Date: 23 April 2018