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Exeter and Devon Institution

SCuLE organises a writing retreat in the heart of Exeter

Writing retreats can assist in breaking away from our routines and, for a day, leaving our day-to-day commitments behind to spend quality time focused on our writing. By providing time and space, we are more able to concentrate on the writing process.

On 10 April 2019, ten SCuLE (Science, Culture and Law at Exeter) colleagues met for a day of writing at the Devon and Exeter Institution on Cathedral Green in Exeter. Perfectly situated in the centre of Exeter, the Institution is both close enough for Exeter colleagues to commute to, but far enough away from emails, telephones and meetings!

Under the guidance of Tamsin Kilner, from the Learning and Development team at University of Exeter, the writing retreat consisted of initial SMART goal setting and five writing sessions. In the morning, there were two 45 minute segments and an hour long session. In the afternoon, with energy levels slightly fading, the segments were twice 45 minutes and once 30 minutes long. With limited wifi connection and mobile phones switched to silent, each session was dedicated to writing only.

Interspersed along the day were coffee breaks and a longer break for a sandwich lunch. A hugely fruitful, as well as enjoyable, day, everyone felt a lot had been accomplished. Due to the success, the SCuLE team is looking at putting on two further writing retreats this year in June and September.

Date: 25 April 2019