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Dr Aisling McMahon (Maynooth University) presented on "Patents, Access to Health Care and Covid-19: The Role, Limits & Case for Reform of National Compulsory Licensing Laws". 

UK and Ireland Patent Scholars Network virtual seminar series continues

Dr Naomi Hawkins and Dr Karen Walsh (University of Exeter), together with Dr Aisling McMahon (Maynooth University), co-founders of the UK and Ireland Patent Scholars Network, have been hosting a virtual monthly seminar series to provide a forum to discuss research in progress from leading patent scholars based in the UK and Ireland.

The series began with presentations from Dr John Liddicoat (University of Cambridge) asking “Has the EU incentive for drug repositioning been effective?” and Dr Cliona Kelly (University College Dublin) on “Ethics, Responsible Innovation, and Patents”. This was followed by Professor Duncan Matthews (QMUL) commenting on "The Governance of Genome Editing: Addressing the Patent Gap" and most recently, Dr Aisling McMahon (Maynooth University) presented on the very timely topic of "Patents, Access to Health Care and Covid-19: The Role, Limits & Case for Reform of National Compulsory Licensing Laws" (pictured).

The seminar series has been very well attended and will continue over the coming months providing a space for in-depth discussions of contemporary patent law and practice.

For further details on the Network or seminar series please contact Dr Karen Walsh or Dr Naomi Hawkins.


Date: 10 November 2020