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Patent Scholars Network Symposium

UK and Ireland Patent Scholars Network Inaugural Virtual PhD Research Symposium, 24th June 2021

The UK and Ireland Patent Scholars Network, recently hosted a Virtual PhD Research Symposium organised by Network co-founders: Dr Naomi Hawkins (University of Exeter), Dr Aisling McMahon (Maynooth University) and Dr Karen Walsh (University of Exeter).

This Network’s PhD Symposiums offer a supportive environment and forum for PhD researchers working on areas related to patent law to present their works in progress and gain feedback from leading patent scholars. The inaugural Virtual PhD Research Symposium was held on 24th June 2021, with presentations from three PhD network members: Rachel Claire Brady (UCD) presented on the topic of: “What is Shaping the Jurisprudence of the CJEU in Morality-Based Patent Decisions? An Empirical Analysis”; Joanna Wisniowska (University of Nottingham) presented her project focusing on: “Morality as a legal concept: the theory of interpreting patent morality clause”; and Chutian Zhang (University of Exeter) presented his work on: “The Protection of Chinese Traditional Medicine.” The speakers delivered fascinating insights on their works in progress, with each presentation followed by a lively and engaged discussion with the audience on the research presented.

The Network plans to host further PhD research events and the organisers welcome expressions of interest from PhD researchers working in the field of patent law to present their work in this forum. PhD researchers can do so by emailing:

Alongside PhD events, the Network’s highly successful online seminar series will also continue in the Autumn, which offers a forum for patent academics and practitioners at all stages to deliver a research seminar to the Network – expressions of interest to deliver a research seminar in the Autumn are very welcome, and can be emailed to


Date: 5 July 2021