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From left-right: Judge Lin, Judge Chen, President Lu, Dr Lee and Judge Wu.

Visit to The Judges Academy of the Judicial Yuan, Taiwan

Dr Joseph Lee, senior lecturer, recently visited the Judges Academy of the Judicial Yuan in Taipei, Taiwan, with the aim of promoting European-Asian collaborative projects.

The Academy of the Judicial Yuan has advanced research capabilities and resources for development that give considerable scope for collaboration on transnational and local legal research projects.

Dr Lee met with President Tai-Lang Lu, Judge Wei-Ya Wu (Head of Research and Development), Judge Yen-Ju Lin, and Judge Szu-Fan Chen. They discussed judicial reform initiatives in Taiwan and current issues in transnational law. President Lu gave an inspiring analysis of the development of commercial law associated with Taiwan's economic rise, and the challenges posed by the country's recent social transformation. Judges Wu and Lin spoke about recent trends in corporate governance in Taiwan and the problems that have arisen with corporate related party transactions, charitable foundation governance, and shareholder activism. Judge Chen raised a number of delicate issues concerning the use of juries in complex cases involving financial crime. He also spoke about Japanese experience in similar cases. Another topic of discussion with Taiwanese judges was the setting up of a specialist commercial court, and the legal implications of future social and economic development.

The visit opened a number of channels for future research and collaboration with practising Taiwanese lawyers. There is enthusiasm in Taiwan for future European-Asian collaborative projects that can enhance knowledge transfer between academia and practice, increase the impact of research on transnational and regional legal communities. The Academy is also keen to encourage judicial exchanges and cooperation between the UK and Taiwan. Dr Lee is currently following up on these initiatives.

Date: 30 March 2015

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