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Abigail will presented formally with the award during lunch at Ashurst.

Winner of the Ashurst Outstanding Law Student Prize announced

We are delighted to announce that Abigail Wilson is the winner of the 2019 Ashurst Outstanding Law Student Prize. Abigail will presented formally with the award during lunch at Ashurst later this summer.

This prize was introduced in the 2017/18 academic year and opened to all students who obtained a final degree result of 65% or more and who could also demonstrate excellent extracurricular non-academic achievements over their entire LLB degree. Ashurst assembled its own panel of Exeter graduates that considered each shortlisted submission in detail before making the final decision.

Mark Edwards, Partner at Ashurst said: "We are delighted to be able to award the 2019 Ashurst Outstanding Law Student Prize to such a deserving winner in Abigail. Whilst all of the shortlisted candidates are to be commended for their achievements, it was the breadth and number of good causes that Abigail has applied her legal skills to that set her apart."

Dr David Barrett, Director of Prizes and Scholarships, said: "To win the Ashurst prize is an outstanding achievement. It was an honour to join Abigail in celebrating her success at the Prizes Ceremony on Graduation Day."

Dr Radek Stech, Founder of Sustainable Finance – Law – Stakeholders (SFLS) Network and the former Director was delighted to hear about Abigail’s success and stressed that the Ashurst prize constitutes the diamond offer within our wider culture of prizes and scholarships in the School.


Date: 14 August 2019