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Last year's Teaching Awards ceremony was a huge success.

Exeter Teaching Awards nominees

The College of Humanities is delighted to announce that students have nominated lecturers and support staff from eight of our subjects as examples of excellence in teaching in the Students’ Guild annual Teaching Awards.

43% of nominees were from the College of Humanities, with nominees also being drawn from each of the four other Colleges. The nominations continue the trend in the College, which boasts five awards from last year, including the coveted ‘Best Lecturer’ and ‘Best Subject’.

Several staff members have been recognised for a second year running – Yelena Gedge in Modern Languages has been nominated in the ‘Best Feedback Provider’ category after winning it last year, and Archaeology has been nominated to defend the title of ‘Best Research Supervisor’. New staff have also been nominated, despite only being part of the College for one year, including Solomon Lennox from Drama for ‘Research Inspired Teaching’ and Charlotte Knipe, Student Engagement, for Change Agents Champion. Other staff who have been nominated multiple times in recent years include Dr Matt Hayler from English, who has been nominated both in the ‘Innovative Teaching’ and ‘Best Lecturer’ categories, and Isobel Moros, who was Runner Up last year in the ‘Most Supportive Member of Staff’ category.

The awards ceremony formally recognises outstanding teaching and support at the University. Staff from Humanities were nominated in ten of the eleven categories, after the committee received 2415 nominations and following two stages of short listing.

The College congratulates all those nominated and wishes all the nominees the very best of luck at the awards ceremony. The winners will be selected by student committees and will be announced at a gala dinner in the Great Hall on 2 May.

Nominees from the College of Humanities

Best Postgraduate Teacher

Mike Rose Steel - English (Streatham)
Isabel Santafe - Modern Languages

Change Agents Champion

Charlotte Knipe - College of Humanities
Johanna Harris - English (Streatham)

Best Feedback Provider

Yelena Gedge - Modern Languages
Siam Bhayro - Theology
Robert Mack - English (Streatham)

Innovative Teaching

Matt Hayler - English (Streatham)
Catriona Pennell - History (Tremough)

Research Inspired Teaching

Solomon Lennox - Drama
Paul Williams - English (Streatham)
Louise Lawrence - Theology

Most Supportive Member of Staff

Jay Pengelly - History (Tremough)
Isabel Moros - Modern Languages

Best Lecturer

Matt Hayler - English (Streatham)

Best Supervisor

Jana Funke - History (Streatham)
Regenia Gagnier - English (Streatham)

Best Research Community


Best Subject

English (Streatham)

Date: 12 April 2013

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