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Dr Matt Hayler, winner of Innovative Teaching

Teaching Awards success for Humanities

Yet again the College of Humanities was a big success at the Students’ Guild Teaching Awards, with four winners and two runners-up, more than any other College in the University.

The winners were selected by students in a survey organised by the University of Exeter Students’ Guild. The awards ceremony formally recognises outstanding teaching and support at the University.

College of Humanities Winners

•    Matt Hayler (English) for Innovative Teaching
•    Solomon Lennox (Drama) for Research Inspired Teaching
•    Isabel Moros (Modern Languages) for Most Supportive Member of Staff
•    Theology and Religion for Best Subject

The Guild Teaching Awards, now in their fourth year, were celebrated with a lavish ceremony and gala dinner on Thursday 2 May in the University’s Great Hall on the Streatham Campus. The College of Humanities has done exceptionally well in each year the awards have run, and is by far the most decorated College.

Prof. Esther Reed, Head of the Department of Theology and Religion comments on their success, “We are delighted to have won the Best Subject Award, and grateful to the students for nominating us. We set high standards for our students and are so pleased to know that they feel supported in their academic careers. This Award recognises that our staff, including Susan Margetts our Departmental Administrator, routinely 'go the extra mile' in helping students to achieve the very best of which they are capable, and that our students are integral to the research ethos of the department.”

Runners up and nominated staff:

Best Postgraduate Teacher

•   Mike Rose Steel - English
•   Isabel Santafe - Modern Languages

Change Agents Champion

•   Charlotte Knipe - College of Humanities
•   Johanna Harris - English (Runner-up)

Best Feedback Provider

•   Yelena Gedge - Modern Languages
•   Siam Bhayro - Theology
•   Robert Mack - English

Innovative Teaching

•   Matt Hayler - English (Winner)
•   Catriona Pennell - History

Research Inspired Teaching

•   Solomon Lennox – Drama (Winner)
•   Paul Williams - English
•   Louise Lawrence - Theology

Most Supportive Member of Staff

•   Jay Pengelly - History
•   Isabel Moros - Modern Languages (Winner)

Best Lecturer

•   Matt Hayler - English

Best Supervisor

•   Jana Funke - History
•   Regenia Gagnier - English

Best Research Community

•   Archaeology (Runner-Up)
•   Theology and Religion

Best Subject

•   English
•   Theology and Religion (Winner)

In total, 43% of nominees were from the College of Humanities, with nominees also being drawn from each of the four other Colleges. The nominations continued the trend in the College, which boasts five awards last year, including the coveted ‘Best Lecturer’ and ‘Best Subject’.

The College is also delighted that several staff members are nominated in multiple years.  Isabel Moros, winner of 'Most supportive member of staff' comments, "Having been nominated now for four consecutive years since the Teaching Awards were established, and having been a runner up on three occasions, it was wonderful to actually win the award last night. I am indebted to the students, deeply touched and incredibly grateful to those who nominated me."

Matt Hayler also enjoyed the ceremony, having won the ‘Innovative Teaching’ award and receiving a nomination for 'Best Lecturer'.  He said, “It was amazing to be nominated for the Innovative Teacher award, but to pick it up against such strong competition was a real honour. A huge thank you to everyone who voted, it really means a lot, and thank you to all of my students - your work and enthusiasm made teaching this year so exciting.”

Solomon Lennox was voted winner of ‘Research Inspired Teaching’, despite only having been part of the College for a year.  He adds, “It's wonderful to work for an academic powerhouse such as the University of Exeter. To be an active part of a research-led culture, where value is placed on cutting-edge, world-class work, is an invigorating challenge. This award demonstrates that students at Exeter appreciate the benefits of being engaged in the process of knowledge generation and dissemination. I am honoured and humbled to have won."

Date: 3 May 2013

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