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European Health Economics Association conference - Jul 2018

Colin Green, Liz Goodwin, Anne Spencer, Annie Hawton and Sarah Price recently attended the European Health Economics Association conference, ‘Shaping the Future: The Role of Health Economics’ in Maastricht, The Netherlands.

The Health Economics Group were well represented with three oral presentations, ‘Investigating what influences respondents’ preferences when answering time trade-off questions’, ‘Mapping Fatigue Severity Scale scores to utility values’ and ‘Measuring the impact of national guidelines using time series methods’, which all seemed to be very well received. The conference was fascinating, with a wide-reaching programme covering developments in econometrics, broadening the evaluative scope of economic evaluations, how to measure inequalities, and the contribution of qualitative research to Health Economics. Richard Smith, shortly to join the University of Exeter Medical School as Professor in Health Economics and Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor, delivered a stimulating plenary on ‘Shaping the future of health policy: the role of trade’. The conference provided plenty of opportunity for discussion, debate, and forging future collaborations, and the Social Programme was very well received!

Date: 31 July 2018