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Professor Al Roth’s visit to Exeter - Jul 2015

Members of the Health Economics Group attended a two-day workshop hosted by the Economics Department at Exeter in honour of Professor Al Roth, from Stanford University, 14th-15th July 2015. During his visit Professor Al Roth received an honorary doctorate from the University of Exeter. Al Roth’s work focu‌ses on “real world” problems and aims to address how to bring different parties together in the best possible way. Examples of situations where this problem arises include matching kidneys or other organs to patients who require transplants, matching children with different schools and interns with internships.

Al Roth talked about his work on examining the incentive structures of kidney exchange programme. He also talked about his work on repugnant transactions and how the social context determines the types of markets that can exist. He ended his talk with words of encouragement to new students who were considering taking up Economics, saying that we still have a lot of find out. It is clear from the time he spent with us all that Al Roth is a very approachable inspirational Economist. Quite an act to follow!  We wish him well.

Date: 16 July 2015